Christian is a computer science professor at the Herman Hollerith Center (HHZ) in Böblingen, a research center of the Reutlingen University. He is interested in Smart Services and Data Products in data-intensive environments. Primary object of research is the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Results are included in his lectures for master students at the HHZ.

Christian has received both his diploma degree in computer science and his PhD from the University of Karlsruhe, now KIT.
In his academic career he was a scientist in the area of “Ubiquitous Computing” at TecO, where he has published on Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies and their use in various industrial applications. He has held lead positions in several public-private-partnerships as well as in publicly funded research projects. After his PhD he started a professional career as a team manager for statistical analysis of mass data collected by vehicle onboard computers in public transport. Such data is used for detailed vehicle / fleet performance reports as well as for public transport optimization. Christian also contributed to the field of driving behavior analysis and filed several patents on this subject.

Research at HHZ

Research at TecO


Christian has received awards for his research work and his teaching activities.